
Refund and Returns Policy

Return Policy for Same Day Flowers

Effective Date:

At Same Day Flowers, we are committed to providing our customers with the highest quality floral products and exceptional customer service. If, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, please review our return policy below.

1. Eligibility for Returns

  • You may be eligible for a return if:
    • You received damaged or defective flowers or floral arrangements.
    • The flowers you received do not match the description on our website or the order you placed.
    • You received the wrong item or quantity.

2. Timeframe for Returns

  • To initiate a return, you must contact us within 2hours of receiving your order.
  • Returns requested after this timeframe may not be accepted.

3. How to Request a Return

  • To request a return, please contact our customer service team at [customer service email or phone number].
  • Please provide your order number, a description of the issue, and clear photos showing the problem, if applicable.

4. Return Process

  • Once we have reviewed your return request and approved it, we will provide you with instructions for returning the item(s).
  • You may be required to return the product in its original packaging.

5. Refund or Replacement

  • Depending on the circumstances, we may offer one of the following options:
    • A full refund to your original payment method.
    • A replacement of the damaged or incorrect item(s).

6. Return Shipping

  • If your return is approved, we will cover the cost of return shipping for eligible items.
  • You will receive a prepaid shipping label or instructions on how to return the item(s) at our expense.

7. Non-Returnable Items

  • Some items, such as personalized or perishable products, may not be eligible for returns. Please contact us for clarification if you are unsure.

8. Cancellation Policy

  • You can cancel your order within 10minutes of placing it. After this timeframe, cancellations may not be accepted.

9. Contact Information

  • If you have any questions or concerns about our return policy, please contact us at [customer service email or phone number].

Same Day Flowers reserves the right to update or modify this return policy at any time without prior notice.

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